The 40K 'Fourth Edition Bash'!
Mark your calendars now, BG folks: Sometime in September, after the 9th, there will be a massive weekend filled with 40K, libations, food, and some Arena o' Death. Granted, that's a vague date, but we're not all around to coordinate.Here's the spiel:
-Maint Event: Dave Fisk and I are talkin' an 8000-pt. game (at least) as the final event. Preliminary events are sketchy, but will probably involve pre-fight battles that will set the stage for the final bad mutha.
-Arena of Death: We're talking Final-Four-style tourney with one-on-one match-ups. This'll be a side event during the run of the Bash.
-Fourth Edition,/b>: Time to try out the new rules in a big, big way. Having played two games under the preview 4th ed. rules, I can say that I'm going to enjoy them. My Salamander tactical squads are far more flexible, and my Leman Russ can move and fire either the battlecannon, OR a lascannon and two hvy. bolters! Fluidity, baby!
Interested parties may interrogate either Dave or myself.