Malleus Malificarum?
Allow me to expand upon my previous grumbling. What really needs to happen is for GW to give us some stuff on the upcoming
Codex: Witchhunters.
This assumption comes from the fact that they are doing codices for all three Ordos (check the letters column from last WD). In addition, they've given us some nice pics of Sisters of Battle, as well as what looks like a couple Ecclesiarchy models (Penitent Engine?!). One can easily surmise that the Ecclesiarchy is going to be the primary core of troops for the Ordo Hereticus (the witch-hunters).
And it's becoming increasingly difficult to find stuff for Steph's army. Granted, GW is releasing a the new Brettonian army, a massive event for Fantasy. AND... maybe the Ecclesiarchy will get it's own list, seperate from the Ordo Hereticus. I must know!
Nothing big here, but I've decided that Sisters of Battle priests should be allowed to carry eviscerators. Mainly because I converted a Daemonhunters acolyte and preacher for Steph's SoB, and the latter has one. Hrm.
Uff Da
I turn around, and what happens? This blog is in its fledgling state, and
already someone has used the "Sq"-word.
(J. shakes his head)
Christmas Love-- anyone playing against my Night Lords this season, I give you this gift: You won't have to face any Raptors. You're welcome.
Onto the mead and the singing!
Finally... the report
Slowly, the War Council is collecting. I've finally finished the BatRep (I blame work... because I'd never blame
myself). Zarecki and Pferd have joined the team
(yaaayyy). A lot of Fire Warrior is being played... and some of us might be considering adding a Tau army... wait--
{checks current status of bank account}
Just thought I'd get your attention, there. I've yet to post my battle report, because (as I'm re-learning) they take
forever to write. So, it's currently sitting in "Draft" status on this blog, yet to be seen.
Here's a topic of discussion: In the latest
White Dwarf, we get some add-ons to distinguish your radical Daemonhunters and/or Relictor space marines. I
was debating between Raven Guard and Relictors for my next Astartes chapter (with the Crimson Fists as a dark horse candidate). My mind is made up. Relictors. With radical Inquisition allies.
Yeah, I know. How much of a stretch is it that J. is selects the chapter that utilizes Chaos artifacts and daemonhosts? Go with what I know, I guess...
OK, back to painting and playing
Fire Warrior.
(Speaking of, it's really fun to utilize the shotguns in that game. Up close, the boomstick puts all your problems to rest... in a very dramatic way. Maybe that's why the Tau blow at close combat... they're too pretentious to use shotguns. That must be it.)