The Battle for the Pits
Not exactly the most evocative title, I know. But I have yet to see the other player since the battle, so this is all from my viewpoint. Ach, nun.The set-up was simple. In the wake of the 13th Black Crusade, the Black Legion controls a minor Imperial moon in the Scarus sector that is rich with metal ore. It's moderately volcanic, and the only real population are the foundry workers and miners. While it is a minor locale, it's still an important source of raw materials in the campaign against Abaddon... and the Imperium needs all the help it can get.
To that end, a small force of Space Wolves have broken off the main fighting to re-take this world. Abaddon has only left a nominal force to guard it, though said force is lead by a daemon prince. The Wolves made planetfall far from the main Black Legion HQ, and both forces are marching to meet each other on the field of battle...
Battle for the Pits of Imbrium M2
Scenario: Cleanse (Standard)
Points: 1500 each
Black Legion
(HQ) ar-Pharon
Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided
(Elite) the Untouchables
1 Champion of Nurgle, 7 Plague Marines w/ plasma gun (Veterans: Counterattack)
(Troops) Squad Talonius
1 Champion Undivided w/ daemon gifts, 6 Traitor Marines w/ plasma gun and heavy bolter (Veterans: Move Through Cover)
(Troops) Squad Pyrrhus
1 Champion Undivided w/ power sword, 6 Traitor Marines w/ flamer, plasma pistol, and Icon (Veterans: Furious Charge)
Mounted in chaos Rhino
(Troops) the Souldrinkers
8 Bloodletters of Khorne
(Troops) the Contagion
8 Plaguebearers of Nurgle
(Fast Attack) the Eumenides
9 Furies of Chaos Undivided
(Heavy Support) Squad Hezelo
1 Champion Undivided w/ power fist, 4 Chaos Havocs w/ plasma gun, lascannon, missile launcher, and autocannon (Veterans: Tank Hunters)
Space Wolves
(HQ) V. Dread
Venerable Dreadnought w/ assault cannon
(HQ) R. Priest
Rune Priest w/ artificier armor and power axe
(Elite) Scout Squad
5 Wolf Scouts, very sneaky
(Elite) Assassin!
Callidus Assassin. Oh, joy.
(Troops) Squad One
11 Blood Claws w/ 2 power weapons
(Troops) Squad Two
6 Blood Claws w/ 2 power weapons
(Troops) Squad Three
6 Blood Claws w/ 2 power weapons
(Fast Attack) Attack Bike Squadron
3 Attack Bikes, 1 w/ multi-melta
(Heavy Support) Long Fangs Squad
5 Long Fangs that can split fire... hrm
(Heavy Support) Vindicator
A tank w/ big ordnance
Black Legion: Turn 1
Remember how the (filmed) Battle of Helm's Deep began with a single paltry arrow, killing a single paltry orc? That's how this one began. The only difference is, replace "single paltry orc" with "Vindicator tank". The Havocs, on a hill behind rocks, drew first blood. The catastrophic explosion that resulted also claimed the life of a single Blood Claw from Squad One.
On either side of Havoc hill, the Untouchables and Squad Talonius unleased a hail of bolter fire, taking down 5 more Blood Claws from Squad One. Over on the Black Legion's right flank, Squad Pyrrhus sped into position in their rhino, and ar-Pharon charged through the center of the Chaos lines.
Space Wolves: Turn 1
Gunning their engines, the assault bikes caught sight of the Chaos rhino, partially obscured by ruins. Their shots echoed off stone and metal, and the rhino emerged intact, if shaken and missing its only weapon.
Meanwhile, the Long Fang sergeant expertly directed his squad's fire towards the Havocs on the hill, and the charging daemon prince. At the same time, the dreadnoughts fired into Squad Talonius. The loud explosions resulted in one dead in either squad, but no scratches on ar-Pharon.
Sensing a palpable shift in the air, the Blood Claw packs moved heartily trudged forward. Squad One charged up the middle, Squad Two flanked stage right (Black Legion's left flank), and Squad Three moved to support the Attack Bikes.
Black Legion: Turn 2
The Black Legion sensed the shift, as well. Bellowing his war cry, ar-Pharon ordered his brethren forward. All heeded his call, save Squad Talonius and the Havocs, who provided cover fire. After the guns stopped, 2 more Blood Claws from Squad One were dead, and so was the non-venerable dreadnought.
The air twisted, and inhuman forms of rage and corruption formed from nothing. In between squads Talonius and Pyrrhus, a putrescent squad of Plaguebearers appeared. In front of Squad One, wings and claws formed around the Eumenides. The furies of Chaos charged the few remaining Blood Claws (and the Rune Priest), leaving only the character standing. The Rune Priest retaliated by taking down two.
On the right flank, Squad Pyrrhus charged the attack bikes, taking down one without any losses.
Space Wolves: Turn 2
Not to be outdone, the Imperials unleased their own appearing trick. First, the Long Fangs took out a plague marine and another Havoc. Then, out of the rocks on top of Havoc hill came a Callidus assassin. While they avoided the poison blades, one of them fell to her phase-shifting blade.
With Squad Two began running toward the Untouchables, Squad Three counter-attacked Squad Pyrrhus. The Blood Claws tore open the suits of three traitors, losing only one in response. Back at the center lines, the venerable dread joined the Rune Priest. Suddenly, the odds were against the furies, now reduced by two more...
Black Legion: Turn 3
Seeing the feral Astartes advancing, the Untouchables stopped their implacable advance, and pulled their triggers. Three rounds hit home, and Squad Two was falling back and under half strength.
Back at the homefront, the assassin failed to cause any more damage. Instead, as she jumped around (again avoiding the champion's power fist) she accidentally got clotheslined by the lascannon. Hilarity ensued.
Over on the Chaos right flank, the Wolves looked to be in a good position. They couldn't understand why the champion was laughing... until the air turned a sickening blood-red color... and a pack of Bloodletters made themselves manifest. In the melee that followed, three more Black Legionnaires fell. Despite poor luck for the Bloodletters, they still slaughtered a half-dozen Wolves, leaving only a bike and a single Wolf. The daemons of Khorne pursued the fleeing Astartes, leaving the champion of Squad Pyrrhus alone, his laughter echoing throughout the battlefield...
(It was at this point, after seeing the unharmed ar-Pharon barrel into the side of his venerable dread, that the Space Wolves player conceded. He wanted to get a game of Magic in, and I don't think he liked his odds of survival on the field)
This battle displayed two important themes: fire support and counterattacking. Yeah, a Space Marine holding a boltgun may seem boring. Yeah, power weapons are fun. Yeah, massive, massive guns are scary... but you need your bolters, yo. Damn.
Simply put, the suppression fire from my two squads kept the center and left contained, and softened the Wolves up for a daemonic charge. The only place where the Astartes made (some) progress was on my right.. where there was no fire support. (Ask that nice Zarecki kid... he knows the value of a Grey Hunter w/ a boltgun)
In addition, counterattacking is vital to both these armies. In the early stages, don't enter combat without a counterattack in the wings. In the midgame, don't counterattack without some form of support in the wings. Otherwise, there won't be an endgame.
Right flank: Chaos charges, Wolves counter, daemons counter. End result? A full pack of daemons running amok.
Center: Daemons charge weakened Wolves, Venerable/Rune counter, daemon prince counters. End result? A monster (that can shake of anti-tank fire), claiming the center.
Left flank: Well, melee wasn't really going to happen... thanks to bolter fire.
Behind lines: The assassin disrupted the Havocs, but couldn't finish them off herself. Once they finished her, the champion and a near-full CSM squad was waiting for the Wolf Scouts...
Remember kids... Death the False Emperor! :-)